The SUT - MC Step Up Transformer - and how it works
Latest update 2 September 2020
Step-up transformers for MC
cartridges (also called SUTs) are one of
the most esoteric and often misunderstood hifi components. That might explain
why they are so rarely used. (Several good active MC / RIAA amplifiers are
definitely anopther explanation). Actually, it’s a shame, because a good
transformer is often the optimal for a MC cartridge. Despite a lot of technical
stuff in the following, the conclusions are quite easy to understand and the
accompanying spreadsheet makes it easy for everyone to adapt the cartridge to
the MC transformer and subsequently to the RIAA. Talking
about input and output impedances for a transformer are especially
misunderstood. Look at a transformer like a gearbox. Without knowing what is
connected to the input and output, one cannot calculate what is happening
through the transformer. This applies to both amplification and impedances. A SUT
quite simply is an impedance converter. If you want
to skip the explanations and calculate on a combination of cartridge and transformer,
please go directly to the spreadsheet here: LINK SPREADSHEET
The big
disadvantage with MC cartridges is that they typically have 20 dB lower output
than a MM cartridge. Necessarily we have to amplify the signal to suit the
subsequent RIAA. This can be done
actively with a so-called "headamp" (has nothing to do with
headphones!) or with a SUT. Many people
believe that an optimally designed and adapted transformer is still the best
solution. This is especially true when we talk about cartridges with very low
output; 0.3 mV or lower. To this I can add. Yes, but it costs! The best
transformers I have heard cost as much as the most expensive cartridges. The
MYSL transformer seen on the left costs 41,200 DKR! (approx. 5,500 Euro). Previously,
it was almost impossible to achieve an optimal signal to noise ratio with an
active circuit. A transformer was the only solution. A gain of 20 to 30 dB is
not a problem but doing so with noisy tubes or transistors could be quite a
challenge. Modern semiconductors can now much better live up to the
requirements of low noise, but tubes should still preferably have a transformer
at the input if you wish to use low output MC cartridges. Active
solutions will be treated another time, this is all about the SUT - the
transformer solution. In addition
to the subject of noise, there is the actual sound quality that supporters of
the SUTs empathies. The distortion in a
transformer is of a completely different nature than what happens in an active
amplifier. The harmonic distortion in a transformer is highest at low
frequencies and drops rapidly upwards in frequency. Absolutely an advantage in
a SUT where the RIAA-corrected signal is non-linear. An active circuit will
typically behave quite the opposite way around with increasing distortion up in
the higher frequencies. More importantly, the annoying intermodulation
distortion is typically lower in a good transformer than in a transistor
circuit. Although a transformer is not without distortion (nothing is), it is
almost insignificant compared to what many transistor amplifiers can perform.
What speaks against the use of transformers is sensitivity to radiation (hum)
and the price! Transistors and ICs can cost up to a few bucks, but good transformers
will always cost a whole lot more. Sometimes several 100 times more! This is
due to the use of expensive core materials, as well as OCC copper or silver
cables internally. If you buy a ready-made solution, it is often put in a nice
box designed according to all the rules of art. Probably expensive, but really
it does not have much to do with the sound. Loading
your cartridge Before we
look at the interface between the cartridge and the transformer, it is
appropriate to take a look at the effect of different impedance loads on your MC
cartridge. When a
electrical signal looks into an ohmic load, we get a voltage divider - the
source impedance (also called the output impedance) looks into the load
impedance (input impedance). The source here is a cartridge but in principle it
can be other signal sources. This voltage divider acts as an attenuator, or a
kind of fixed volume control. If the load impedance is much higher than the
source impedance, we get a small attenuation. The golden rule in audio is to
lead a signal into a load that is at least 10 times greater than the output
impedance of the signal. This will avoid loss of signa. This also applies to
our MC cartridges. If the ratio between the output and input impedance is 10 then
we get an attenuation of approx. 1 dB. A loss we can accept, but on the other hand, if the source and load
impedances are the same, we lose 6dB. This "rule" of 10 times the
source impedance applies to active circuits. I have gradually come to doubt
whether this also applies to transformers. For now, I will say no. Far higher as
well as much lower impedances may work fine, but in the end - give it a try. For a long
time, the typical MC cartridge had an internal impedance (source impedance) around
10 ohms. But in recent years it has become much lower. Even the best cartridges
from around the year 2000 can be down around the 4 ohms or lower (Accuphase and
Transfiguration). If we talk about some of the latest top pickups, we find much
lower impedances, all the way down to around 1 ohm (MYSL, LYRA and IKEDA).
Certain exotic Japanese are now below 1 ohm. Does the
sound change when we change the impedance? Yes, definitely! Many people say
that the sound is typically brighter and more shrill if the load impedance is
too high. Conversely, a too low impedance will result in a dead and somewhat
low energy reproduction with lack of air. Often, cartridge manufacturers will
just state "higher than 50 ohms" or similar. Then it is up to the
user to try it out. Again, I would say that there probably will be some
differences between active circuits and SUTs. The general
rule of thumb that many manufacturers adhere to is an input impedance of 100
ohms. It is an appropriate value for most cartridges, and will very often be
the impedance you find on typical MC-inputs. Personally I stick to the rule of
10-20 times the source impedance. However, it does not always come out as the
best. Many people
are of the belief that the load should be smaller when using a transformer.
Here I have seen 5 times 5 times the internal impedance and even down to 1 time
- ie loaded with the same impedance as the cartridge. However, I would not
recommend a load equal to (or close to) the output impedance of the cartridge.
It drops the level with 6 dB and the
sound becomes very flat and undynamic. Moreover, it is difficult to achieve
with a transformer.
turnover ratio in a transformer is the ratio between the primary and secondary windings.
As mentioned in the beginning a kind of "electric gearbox". The
voltage is transformed up or down in the same ratio as between the two
windings. A transformer with e.g. 100 windings on the primary and 1,000 on the
secondary side have a turnover ratio of 1:10. In other words, it will (under
ideal conditions) transform the voltage up to 10 times as much as at the input.
But a transformer is 100% passive and cannot draw energy out of thin air. The
increased voltage will at the same time mean a corresponding reduction in the
supplied current. Here we have what causes the impedance transformation in a
transformer. The transformer itself does not have an impedance - it reflects
the impedance from one side, so it is seen as another impedance on the other
side. It works in both directions. In the above example with a 1:10 step-up
transformer, with 47k load on the secondary side (your RIAA) will by the
cartridge be seen as 470 ohms on the primary winding. In the same way, the
output impedance will be larger. 10 ohms from your cartridge turns into an
output impedance of 1000 ohms. As it looks into 47 kohm, this is no problem. Examples of
good SUTs: Ikeda
IST-201 - ratio 1:20 Having read
the above it is logical that a cartridge
with an output signal of 0.5mV, when
used with a SUT that converts with a ratio of 1:10, will give
5mV at the output. But no – this would take that the internal impedance of the cartridge
is zero ohms. In practice, most MC cartridges are around 5 ohms and for transformers with a
low turnover ratio (less than or equal to 1:20), we can calculate the turnover
ratio of the transformer. As mentioned,
the internal impedance of the cartridge will never be zero. Therefore, this
value must be included in the calculation if we want a completely correct
result. Let's take an example:
But if we
have a transformer with a larger turnover ratio and a cartridge with a higher
output impedance, then it can cause problems. Let's take a cartridge with 40
ohms internal impedance (eg an old Denon DL 103 from before 2007) and a
transformer with 1:30 ratio (Intended
for an Ortofon MC 3000). The 47k on the RIAA is then seen by the cartridge as
52 ohms. Therefore, the voltage drop due to mismatching will be 0.43 (approx. 5
dB). That's a lot - almost half the voltage the cartridge generates. Instead of
the 30 times that the transformer's turnover ratio indicates, we only get
approx. 13 times gain! Although we
have a transformer with a large turnover ratio, it does not fit the Denon DL-103
and will not provide the gain we expect. At the same time get a load that is
close to the internal impedance. It may be the sound is OK, but we do not make
optimal use of either cartridge or transformer. Here we may
have the reason for the misunderstanding that often arises. Many believe that a
SUT needs to have a certain load, that
will fit the cartridge. Yes, that's probably true if we're just looking to get
the maximum signal out of the cartridge. However, we must not forget that we do
not necessarily always go for the maximum signal. What we are aiming for is an
appropriate signal for the subsequent RIAA as well as an optimal adjustment of
the impedance to our pickup. Normally we will aim to get approx. 5 mV to the
connected RIAA. Some can withstand more (typically tubes), but in the end it
has to fit with the gain and which signal we want. Too much will clip the input
- too little will make noise. Let's try
with the Denon DL-103 again, but this time with a Denon AU-1000 transformer
(pictured here on the left) with a ratio
of 1: 13.5. We then get a load of 258 ohms and an output signal to the RIAA of
3.51 mV (attenuated 1.25 dB due to the impedances). Here it looks somewhat more
sensible and we still get a suitable output for our RIAA. Something
more optimal would be if we could change the input impedance of our RIAA to 100
kohm. You can do this in some RIAAs, and certainly if you build the amplifier
yourself. With a load of 100 kohm, our DL-103 through the AU-1000 will look
into 549 ohms and we get 3.8 mV at the input. The big
mistake you often see when choosing a
transformer is that you focus too much at a single parameter. We must take into
account both the gain obtained and the resulting impedance.
Above I
have only mentioned SUTs with a fixed ratio. However many offer switches that will
change impedance and gain. E.g. the Lundahl LL 1933 has 2 primary windings and
2 secondaries. It provides several options. You can connect the windings in
series or parallel. Finally, it is also possible to use it for a fully balanced
signal on both input and output. (Something I will come back to another time).
Primary: 10
ohms, 30 ohms and PASS (MM) If you just
put a turnover ratio of 1:36 into the calculations (see Excel spreadsheets) it
does not fit at all. The impedance will then be 36 ohms. Can't they compute? Notice
the "secondary 12 kohm". Internally in the transformer, there is a
16.2k resistor parallel to the output. It sits parallel above the 47 kohm of
the following RIAA. Overall, it gives the mentioned 12k. With this new
secondary load, the primary load is
calculated at 9.3 ohms. Very close to the specified 10. In the second position
26 dB I get the load to just over 27 ohms - so again close to the specified 30. Many
especially older MC transformers or cartridges tended to oscillate at higher
frequencies. One has to say this FR belongs to the slightly older ones. They
liked to have the advantage of being loaded on the secondary side (lower
impedances). This trick has been used by FR. Further
down the page, I get into impedance matching by adding resistors on the
secondary side (and the primary side) of the SUT. It also appears on the
calculations above and in the attached spreadsheet are based on a
"perfect" transformer. That is, with wire without resistance and with
zero capacity in the windings, with no parasite inductance and infinite primary
inductance and so on. In the real world, we have to accept the limitations of
nature and work with wires with resistance, capacity, and so on. All
transformers have limitations and those with very high turn ratios typically
have more, as they contain several windings on the secondary side. This means
greater resistance and capacity which will naturally limit the frequency range
upwards. Why not
just fewer windings on the primary side? Because it will reduce the primary
inductance and limit the frequency range downward. As a rule of thumb, a
transformer with lower turn ratios will give better results both technically
and acoustically. Another
phenomenon is magnetic hysteresis, which causes the magnetization of the core to
come later than the electric field that creates the magnetism. One can say that
there is an inertia in the magnetic material. It comes from the Greek word “hysteresis”
(afterwards). All ferromagnetic materials used in transformer cores exhibit this
phenomenon to a greater or lesser degree. The phenomenon is also known from
tape recorders. This is one of the reasons why far more optimal core materials
were developed - e.g. permalloy, cobalt nickel and others. This aspect is also made
when making transformers. That's why
we talk about hysteresis loss in a transformer. By applying a magnetic field to
the magnetic core in the transformer (via the primary winding), the core is
magnetized. Starting from 0 - a non-magnetized core - the magnetism increases
as the field is raised. When the field is lowered (the current turns) the
magnetizing of the core should again drop to 0. Unfortunately, there are always
minor impurities in the core which do not return to 0. Only when the opposite
signal is sent to the primary winding we force the core to change polarity.
Thus, every time we turn the current in our signal through the core, there will
be some inertia, which causes distortion. I don’t
really know how much this really means for a SUT. Data for the best
transformers does not mention the phenomenon at all. If you want to know more
about this topic, search for "hysteresis" on the web. .
As I
mentioned in the introduction, most SUTs are best used with a load of approx.
5-10 times their output impedance. However, this is an assumption, and lately I
have had some doubts about whether this also applies to the use of SUTs. It is
thus not certain that we will achieve this through the transformer, as we are
definitely also striving to get the greatest possible gain. Now, however, it is
the case that we (I) would like the opportunity to adapt the sound to the MC
cartridge we use. It can be one with 5 ohms output impedance or one with 20
ohms. They may not require the same gain
nor the same impedance. As the case
in the above-mentioned FRT-3, vu can then add a resistor parallel to the
secondary output of the SUT (in parallel with the 47 kohms in our RIAA). This
lowers the impedance. It is best if we build our RIAA ourselves and therefore
can choose e.g. 22 kohm or 33 kohm input resistance. This will give us more
options. However, we
must be aware that this cannot be used uncritically. As mentioned above, we
must constantly make sure that we do not approach a load that corresponds to
the output impedance of the cartridge. It will attenuate the signal by 6 dB and
most likely give a very poor reproduction. Nor should we in this way try to
adapt a transformer with high gain (higher turnover ratio) to a high-impedance cartridge
with a high output level. In such cases, there is definitely a maladaptation.
Adjustment with resistors may work, but keep in mind we are throwing gain away
at a point in the signal path where we absolutely need gain. The optimum will
always be to choose the right transformer for your cartridge. Also remember
that it must be good resistors! When you only need 2, you can easily buy the
best there is. In some
places I have seen recommendation of resistors across the primary winding. I have
now introduced this option in the spreadsheet. It should be tried, but this could
have the same disadvantages that loading
of the secondary winding shows. TILBAGE TIL FORSIDEN - Back to the frontpage (in Danish).